In the morning of December 9, Mr. John Pomeroy, the Director of International Education Development Center of State University of New York at Albany and his delegation visited our university and discussed the international cooperation project with our College of International Vocational Education. Wang Zenghao, the President of College of International Vocational Education, and Zhang Jun, the Vice-President and Qu Lili, the vice-Director of International Office also attended this meeting.
Wang Zenghao extended a warm welcome to them. And both parts discussed more about the signed cooperation agreement, and negotiated such issued as score certification and scholarship related with our students in BC project who will study in that university. And this university recognized the course grades and credits of BC students. BC students can apply to study in this university directly for undergraduate and MBA, and also can apply for the scholarship.
After meeting, Mr. John Pomeroy made two preaches for the BC students of College of International Vocational Education.
This negotiation extended the continuous education for the student following BC project, and also promoted the stable and sustainable development of BC project.