Faculty Satisfaction Survey in 2020-2021,2021-2022, 2022-2023
Faculty job satisfaction refers to the feelings and opinions offaculty members about working conditions and situations while on the job. Facultyjob satisfaction not only directly affects the efficiency of faculty' work, butalso influences the quality of education and teaching in schools. In mostschools, faculty members must have a high level of job satisfaction in order towork enthusiastically; otherwise, there may be a situation of negative workattitudes.
This survey will evaluate faculty members'attitudes and emotional responses to their work based on their subjectivefeelings of whether their own needs are being met, through the design ofquestionnaire items. This will provide schools with more comprehensive data onfaculty's expectations, in order to better understand issues related to facultydevelopment. This will, in turn, help schools improve various policies, enhancefaculty happiness, implement talent systems, support faculty development, andbuild a positive alignment mechanism for school and faculty development, withthe goal of increasing faculty satisfaction, stabilizing the teaching staff,and improving the level and quality of school management.
²Areyou satisfied with your current income level?
²Domost faculty members have a clear understanding of the mission, vision, andvalues of SEM?
²Ourcollege involves its faculty in future planning
²Thecollege provides adequate budgetary resources to achieve important goals.
²Doyou think the college's resources such as databases and research platforms arerich and sufficient?
²Isthe incentive system established by the college effective?
²Interpersonalrelationships within the college are indifferent and disappointing.
²Doyou think the current faculty evaluation system is fair and just?
²Areyou satisfied with the promotion system for academic titles at this university?
²Whataspects of the work unit are most important to you? (Multiple choices)
²Inwhich aspects do you think the college's management system or level needs to beimproved or enhanced? (Multiple-choice question)
²Doyou feel a sense of accomplishment in your current job?
²Doyou feel a sense of belonging in the college?