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姓名: 王元元 |
职称:教授 |
通讯地址:上海市浦东新区金海路2360号 |
团队主页:无 |
2019.12~至今 上海第二工业大学大学,能源与材料学院 教授
2014.03-2019.11上海第二工业大学,工学部环境与材料工程学院 副教授
2012.09-2014.02上海第二工业大学,工学部环境与材料工程学院 讲师
2010.09-2012.04 University of Colorado at Boulder,机械工程系Research Assistant(博士后)
2004.09-2010.12中国科学技术大学,物理系 凝聚态物理专业 博士
2000.09-2004.07中国科学技术大学,物理系 应用物理专业 学士
1. 微纳尺度载流子输运性质;
2. 热电材料与器件能量输运机理研究。
1. 上海市青年东方学者资助计划,主持,2015-2017;
2. 上海市第四届上海市优秀青年女教师联谊会理事,2021
1.王元元;周亚杰;吴子华;谢华清;刘安邦;李奕怀;毛建辉;一种基于冷端温控提高热电器件性能的方法, 2021.12,中国, 202111443465.0;
2.王元元;王俊丽;周亚杰;翟涵;谢华清;环状热电发电器件发电装置和提高环状热电发电器件性能的方法, 2020.11,中国, 202011317166.8;
3.吴子华;谢华清;李奕怀;刘安邦;王元元;邢姣娇;一种基于纳米流体提高太阳能热电发电效率的 系统, 2019-08-09,中国, CN106123363A
4.吴子华;谢华清;李奕怀;刘安邦;王元元;邢姣娇;同步测试纳米流体传热系数及其对热电发电系 统发电效率影响规律的系统和方法, 2019-7-2,中国, CN201610505891.5
5.吴子华;谢华清;毛建辉;王元元;邢姣娇;一种利用相变材料储热功能提高热电发电效率的系统, 2019-3-1,中国, CN106150629A
6.王元元;田园园;张梦君;谢华清;吴子华;邢姣娇;李奕怀;毛建辉;一种提高热电发电器件性能 的方法, 2018-12-29,中国, 201811629595.1
7.吴子华;谢华清;邢姣娇;王元元;李奕怀;一种利用强化介质纳米流体降低热电器件冷端温度的 系统, 2018-12-28,中国, CN105957956A
1. Wenqin Li, Chao Shen, Zihua Wu*,Yuanyuan Wang, Dongyun Ma, Yongzhen Wu*, “Pyridine functionalized phenothiazine derivatives as low-cost and stable hole0transporting material for perovskite solar cells”, Materials Today Energy 23, 100903 (2022).
2. Qing Xi, Adili Ayiti, Lan Dong,Yuanyuan Wang, Jun Zhou, Xiangfan Xu*, “Dimension reduction induced anisotropic magnetic thermal conductivity in hematite nanowires”, Physics Review B 104, 245416 (2021).
3. Yuanyuan Tian, Anbang Liu, Junli Wang, Yajie Zhou, Chengpeng Bao, Huaqing Xie, Zihua Wu, andYuanyuan Wang*, “Optimized Output Electricity of Thermoelectric Generators by Matching Phase Change Material and Thermoelectric Material for Intermittent Heat Sources”, Energy 233, 121113 (2021).
4. Mengjun Zhang, Junli Wang, Yuanyuan Tian, Yajie Zhou, Jia Zhang, Huaqing Xie, Zihua Wu, andYuanyuan Wang*,“Performance comparison of annular and flat-plate thermoelectric generators for cylindrical hot source”,Energy Reports 7, 413-420 (2021).
5. Yihuai Li, Zihua Wu, Jinhao Lin, Huaqing Xie*,Yuanyuan Wang, Jianhui Mao, and Zhen Li*, “Enhanced thermoelectric performance of hot-press Bi-doped n-type polycrystalline PbS”,Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 121, 105393 (2021).
6. Qing Xi, Jinxin Zhong, Jixiong He, Xiangfan Xu, Tsuneyoshi Nakayama,Yuanyuan Wang, Jun Liu, Jun Zhou, and Baowen Li, “A Ubiquitous Thermal Conductivity Formula for Liquids, Polymer Glass, and Amorphous Solids”, Chinese Physics Letter 37, 104401 (2020).
7. Yuanyuan Tian, Mengjun Zhang, Junli Wang, Anbang Liu, Huaqing Xie, Zihua Wu, Yihuai Li, Jianhui Mao, andYuanyuan Wang*, “Thermal contact resistance matching to optimize performance in thermoelectric generators”,Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer 27(7):617–627 (2020).
8. Anbang Liu, Jiapu Zou, ZihuaWu,Yuanyuan Wang, Yuanyuan Tian, and Huaqing Xie*, “Enhancing the performance of TEG system coupled with PCMs by regulating the interfacial thermal conduction”,Energy Reports 6, 1942-1949 (2020).
9. Jia Zhang, Han Zhai, Zihua Wu∗,Yuanyuan Wang, Huaqing Xie*, “Experimental investigation of novel integrated photovoltaic-thermoelectric hybriddevices with enhanced performance”,Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cell 215, 110666 (2020).
10. Jun Zhou, Qing Xi, Jixiong He, Xiangfan Xu, Tsuneyoshi Nakayama,YuanyuanWang*, and Jun Liu*, “A Thermal Resistance Network Model for Heat Conduction of Amorphous Polymers”, Physical Review Materials 4, 015601 (2020).
11. Yihuai Li, Jinhao Lin, Huaqing Xie*,Yuanyuan Wang, and Zhen Li*, “Raising the thermoelectric performance of PbS with low-content polyparaphenylene”,Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics 31(9), 6586-6592 (2020).
12. Jia Zhang, Han Zhai, Zihua Wu∗,Yuanyuan Wang, Huaqing Xie, Mengjun Zhang, “Enhanced performance of photovoltaic–thermoelectric coupling devices with thermal interface materials”, Energy Reports 6, 116-122 (2020).
13. Mengjun Zhang, Yuanyuan Tian, Huaqing Xie, Zihua Wu, andYuanyuan Wang*, “Influence of Thomson effect on the thermoelectric generator”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer137, 1183 (2019).
14. Anbang Liu, Zihua Wu, Huaqing Xie,* Yihuai Li,Yuanyuan Wang, Enhao Yu, and Xiaodie Cai, “Improving the performance of TEM embedded with paraffin-based phase change materials with different thermal conductivity”, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 11, 054701 (2019).
15. Ji-Zhu Hu, Bin Liu, Jun Zhou*, Baowen Li, andYuanyuan Wang*, “Enhanced thermoelectric cooling performance with graded thermoelectric materials”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 57, 071801 (2018).
16. Xinfang Gao#, Minhong He#, Bin Liu, Jizhu Hu,Yuanyuan Wang*, Ziqi Liang*, Jun Zhou*,Topological Design of Inorganic-Organic Thermoelectric Nanocomposites Based on "Electron-Percolation Phonon-Insulator" Concept, ACS Applied Energy Materials 1, 2927 (2018).
17. Zihua Wu, Huaqing Xie*,Yuanyuan Wang, Jiaojiao Xing, and Jianhui Mao,Thermoelectric properties of Co-doped ZnO by incorporating organic nanoparticles, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 47, 0452-0456 (2018).
18. Anbang Liu, Zihua Wu*, Huaqing Xie,Yuanyuan Wang, Jianhui Mao, Jiaojiao Xing, and Yihuai Li, “Effect of geometrical structure of embedded phase change material on the power generation of thermoelectric module”, Thermal Science 22, 2691-2698 (2018).
19. Jianhui Mao, Zihua Wu, Huaqing Xie*, Anbang Liu,Yuanyuan Wang, Yihuai Li, and Jiaojiao Xing,Power Generation by Thermoelectric Generator Using Different Amounts of Phase Change Materials, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 32, 799 (2018).
20. Yuanyuan Wang, Huaqing Xie*, Zihua Wu, Jiaojiao Xing, Jianhui Mao, annd Yihuai Li, “Enhanced Spin Figure of Merit in Molecular Junction”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C121, 9773 (2017).
21. Li Yihuai, Wu Zihua*, Xie Huaqing, Xing Jiaojiao, Mao Jianhui,Wang Yuanyuan, Li Zhen, “Study on the performance of TEG with heat transfer enhancement using graphene-water nanofluid for a TEG cooling system”, Science China Technological Sciences 60, 1168 (2017).
22. Jiaojiao Xing, Zihua Wu*, Hua-qing Xie,Yuanyuan Wang, Yihuai Li, Jianhui Mao, “Performance of thermoelectric generator with graphene nanofluid cooling”, Chinese Physics B, 26 104401 (2017).
23. Yuanyuan Wang, Huaqing Xie*, Zihua Wu, and Jiaojiao Xing, “Monte-Carlo Simulation of Asymmetrical Growth of Cube-shaped Nanoparticles”, Chinese Physics B9, 096104 (2016).
24. Yuanyuan Wang, Qunxing Xu, Huaqing Xie*, Zihua Wu, and Jiaojiao Xing, “Monte-Carlo Simulations of the Effect of Surfactant on the Growth of Silver Dendritic Nanostructures”,Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin.32, 2518-2522 (2016).
25. Dongsheng Chen, Yan Zhao, Yani Chen, Tingyu Lu,Yuanyuan Wang*, Jun Zhou*, and Ziqi Liang*, “Thermoelectric Enhancement of Ternary Copper Chalcogenide Nanocrystals by Magnetic Nickel Doping”, Adv. Electron. Mater.2,1500473 (2016).
26. Zihua Wu, Huaqing Xie*,Yuanyuan Wang, Jiaojiao Xing, Jianhui Mao, Yihuai Li, “PPP addition to improve the thermoelectric properties of ZnO-based thermoelectric composites”, Journal of Inorganic Materials31, 1249-1254 (2016).
27. Jiaojiao Xing, Zihua Wu*, Huaqing Xie,Yuanyuan Wang, Jianhui Mao, “Thermoelectric conversion efficiency with nanofluid coolant on thermoelectric model cold side”, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics37, 1523~1526 (2016).
28. Mengjie Li,Yuanyuan Wang, Jun Zhou*, Jie Ren, and Baowen Li, “Thermal boundary conductance across metal-nonmetal interfaces: effects of electron-phonon coupling both in metal and at interface”, Eur. Phys. J. B88, 149 (2015).
29. Dongsheng Chen, Yan Zhao, Yani Chen, Biao Wang,Yuanyuan Wang, Jun Zhou*, and Ziqi Liang*, “Hot-Injection Synthesis of Cu-Doped Cu2ZnSnSe4 Nanocrystals to Reach ThermoelectriczT of 0.70 at 450 °C”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces7, 24403 (2015).
30. Xiaojun Wang,Yuanyuan Wang*, Dong Li, Liping Zou, Qichong Zhang, Jun Zhou, Dongfang Liu*, Zengxing Zhang*, "Thermal annealing and air exposing effect on the graphene/silicon Schottky junctions", Solid State Communications201, 115 (2015).
31. Zihua Wu, Huaqing Xie,Yuanyuan Wang, Jiaojiao Xing, Jianhui Mao, “Nanojunctions contributing to high performance thermoelectric ZnO-based inorganic-organic Hybrids”, Chinese Physics Letter 32, 117303 (2015).
32. Yuanyuan Wang, Jun Liu, Jun Zhou, and Ronggui Yang, “Thermoelectric transport across nanoscale polymer-semiconductor-polymer junctions”, J. Phys. Chem. C117, 24716 (2013).
33. Jun Zhou,Yuanyuan Wang, Jeff Sharp, and Ronggui Yang, “Optimal thermoelectric figure of merit in Bi2Te3/Sb2Te3 quantum dot nanocomposites”, Phys. Rev. B.85, 115320 (2012).
34. Yuanyuan Wang, Jun Zhou, and Ronggui Yang, “Thermoelectric properties of molecular nanowires”, J. Phys. Chem. C115, 24418 (2011). (51)
35. M. Q. Weng,Y. Y. Wang, and M. W. Wu, “Electron spin relaxation in cubic GaN quantum dots: Perturbation and exact diagonalization study”, Phys. Rev. B79, 155309 (2009).
36. Y. Y. Wangand M. W. Wu, “Control of spin coherence in semiconductor double quantum dots”, Phys. Rev. B77, 125323 (2008).
37. J. H. Jiang,Y. Y. Wang, and M. W. Wu, “Reexamination of spin decoherence in semiconductor quantum dots from equation-of-motion approach”, Phys. Rev. B77, 035323 (2008).
38. Y. Y. Wangand M. W. Wu, “Control of spin relaxation in double quantum dots”, Phys. Rev. B74, 165312 (2006).
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