School of Mathematics,Physics and Statistics invites Prof. Keming Yu of Brunel University, UK to give an academic lecture
发布日期:2024-04-18 13:29:31 发布人:

On May 16, 2023, at 13:00 PM, Prof. Keming Yu from Brunel University, UK, was invited to give an online presentation entitled Bayesian Statistics in Deep Learning and AI and Bayesian Quantile Regression. . The presentation was hosted by Prof. Jiang Rong.

Yu Keming is currently a Distinguished Professor at the School of Mathematics and Science, Anqing Normal University, and a Chair Professor of Statistics at Brunel University, UK. He has published more than 150 high-level articles in top international journals such as Journal of American Statistical Association, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics and Journal of Financial Econometrics. He has published more than 150 high level academic papers in top international journals such as Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics and Journal of Financial Econometrics. He is currently an Associate Editor of JASA (Journal of the American Statistical Association, Applications and Case Studies), a leading statistical journal. He is also an associate editor of JRSS-A (Journal of the Royal Statistical Society-A), SII (Statistics and Its Interface) and other international SCI and SSCI journals.

In this presentation, Prof. Yu Keming introduced Bayesian statistical methods in detail, and introduced the application of Bayesian statistical methods in AI, shared his latest research results achieved in this method, and exchanged and discussed in the question session at the end. This lecture expanded the knowledge of our teachers and students about Bayesian statistical methods.
